MyBrochure (Moje brožura)
Online calculator for the production of digitally printed brochures where you can choose from a wide range of 8 bindings (vazba V1 SQF, V2, V2 PUR, V4 sewn, V8 sewn, V8 glued, ring bindings), including a production management system and connection to the ComGate payment gateway.

TERMI - home consumption monitoring system
Monitoring of heat and water consumption by apartment owners or building managers.

KOSTAL ČR, spol. s r.o
We implemented a comprehensive solution for the management of a multinational corporation's website and intranet, including an internal HelpDesk - a bespoke online application.

EKO Gymnázium Poděbrady - multimedální tvorba
High school web portal on the CMS WebJET platform with a special specialization in multimedia production.

Opava City
The official website of the city and the municipality in Opava, divided into parts - the Statutory City of Opava and the Tourist Information Centre (including a calendar of events and facilities). As part of the Enterprise solution, CMS WebJET also serves as a platform for the operation of websites of city districts, e.g. Komárov, Milostovice, Malé Hoštice, Podvihov, Suché lazce, Vlaštovičky, Vávrovice, Zlatníky, etc.

Böhmerland 21
The project website of the modern motorcycle Böhmerland 21, which is a continuation of the historical models of Albin Hugo Liebisch from 1925-1938.

Zero DC s.r.o.
Website for a well-known dog harness manufacturer with e-shop connected to IS Pohoda and GoPay.

Website for store offering security technology, accumulators etc. with e-shop connected to IS Cézar.

The Universe (Scientific Magazine)
Web portal of popular magazine. For example, there is also a payment for the article (paywall), respectively for access to the content of articles for subscribers (linked to the database of company SEND).